French at IJS
Ici à Inglehurst, nous apprécions vraiment nos cours de français hebdomadaires, apprenant une nouvelle langue à travers une gamme de jeux amusants, de chansons, de conversations et d'autres activités, qui visent tous à aider les enfants à progresser en parlant, en écoutant, en lisant et en écrivant. Beaucoup de nos merveilleux enfants sont déjà bilingues, voire trilingues, donc ajouter une autre langue à leur répertoire est une opportunité vraiment excitante. Apprendre le français est aussi un moyen pour les enfants de découvrir une autre culture et de tisser des liens entre la maison, l’école et le monde.
Notre Journée des langues, où les enfants en apprennent davantage sur différents pays, cultures, aliments et langues, est extrêmement populaire et nous l'attendons avec impatience chaque année!
And in case your French isn’t quite good enough yet to translate that . . . !
Here at Inglehurst we really enjoy our weekly French lessons, learning a new language through a range of fun games, songs, conversations and other activities, all of which are intended to help children progress in speaking, listening, reading and writing. So many of our amazing children are already bilingual, or even trilingual, so adding another language to their repertoire is a really exciting opportunity. Learning French is also a way for children to learn about another culture and build links between home, school and the wider world.
Our Culture & Languages day, where children have learned more about different countries, cultures, food and languages, is extremely popular and we look forward to it each year!
Here’s what some of our children have to say about French lessons:
“I like French lessons because if I go to France, I will be able to speak to everyone,” ~ Disha, Year 6
“French is a good subject to learn about because it prepares you for life after school – especially if you are thinking about travelling to a French speaking country” ~ Anmol, Year 6
“I really enjoy French because you get to speak a language other than English which is a challenge for me since I speak Romanian at home and English at school” ~ Alexandru, Year 4
“French is the one subject where you feel very satisfied when you can read and understand a piece of text that is written in French” ~ Lania Year 5