Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Inglehurst Junior School – an incredible junior school situated on the border of New Parks and Newfoundpool in Leicester City. We have approximately 320 children from a wide range of cultural, spiritual and economic backgrounds. We truly are very proud of our school and all the amazing things we do.
IJS is a school and so much more. We strive to recognise and develop the “whole child”, to allow them to be the best “me” they can be and to offer a helping hand when things get difficult. We believe that knowing our children and our community is key to our success. Through building good relationships, listening and caring we have created a scaffold that supports our learning environment. Barriers of deprivation and personal challenge are overcome and we celebrate high expectations and outcomes year after year. We believe all our children can achieve anything – and they do!
Our Key Stage 2 results have a history of success and excellence and we are very proud of the progress our children make whilst at IJS. Our special educational needs children also make excellent progress during their time with us and enjoy a full and broad curriculum with all the support they need.

We offer an engaging and progressive curriculum with each of our school subjects following the IJS “Pathways”. It is a bespoke curriculum that we have designed for our learning in our school. Adaptions are made to support any children who need it so everyone can succeed. We provide wide ranging opportunities for experiencing learning outside the classroom – and offer both before school care and plenty of after school clubs.
Our highly skilled Inclusion team provide a wide range of services and support for children and their families, from interactive play to parent support, nurture provisions to 1:1 children’s counselling. We are “healthy school” that encourages both good mental and physical health. Sport plays a large part in our school – with a wide range of teams competing in many local competitions and in-school programmes. We enjoy the work of our active Pupil Leadership team, our restorative rangers and our eco–warriors, who all help to create a healthy school.
At IJS, we use a system of rewards in school to support both good behaviour, resilience and academic achievement. Our “Track – it Light” programme allows children to collect points which they then spend at our “Table of Treasures”. A very exciting day in the month!
Behaviour problems and difficulties are quickly addressed through a “Restorative Justice” programme which encourages reflection and re-evaluation by the children.
We are also extremely proud of our designated specialist provision that offers 18 places to children with Autism or communication and interaction needs. Our “Learning Zone “is celebrated by our community and its success is widely recognised. The children integrate into mainstream school and their learning and development is exceptional.
We are a very special school with incredible children and fantastic staff. Every day is exciting and every day is an adventure.
If you want to know more or come to visit us please contact us.
Mrs J. Lowe, Headteacher