Year 6

A Typical Year 6 Day
Children are expected to arrive at school by 8:45am with morning lessons commencing at 8:55am. Spelling, Guided Reading, Literacy and Maths are all taught every morning, five times a week with their afternoon lessons varying from day to day to include Geography, Science, P.E, PSHE and many other exciting subjects.
Every classroom has a current timetable up on their class noticeboard so that the children know what to expect from each day.
What to Bring
In Year 6, children should be organised and responsible for their own belongings and equipment in preparation for secondary school. Different classes have PE on different days:
Hercules and Orion class should also wear their P.E. kit to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Centaurus class should wear their P.E. kit to school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Pupils must ensure that their PE kits is smart and follows the school uniform policy.
Year 6 Homework is set on a Friday and is due back in on a Wednesday.
Our weekly spelling test is also on a Friday and the children will be given their new list of words to learn as part of their homework.
Year 6 Expectations
Year 6 is a very important year for the children at IJS. Not only are they in their final year of primary education, they will also be showcasing everything they have learnt over the previous four years by sitting their KS2 SATS.
The children will be supported throughout the year via interventions, catch-up sessions and after-school clubs as well as the usual high-quality teaching all children receive in the year group.
At home, parents and carers can also do their bit by:
Simply asking, ‘What have you learnt today?’
Listening to their child read 5 times a week.
Testing them on their weekly spellings
Accessing practise SATS questions and previous papers on the government website.
Trips and Opportunities
Despite all of the hard work in Year 6, the children still get the opportunity to experience some wonderful trips and events at school.
The ‘End of Year 6’ trip to Wales is a firm favourite amongst past students and allows the children of IJS to get out and experience a wide range of activities from kayaking to rock climbing, mountain walks to bush craft!
In Year 6, the children also visit the Warning Zone to learn about how to keep themselves safe whilst out and about. In addition, educational visits to Bletchley Park, De Montfort University and Green’s Science Museum ensure the children are exposed to a variety of learning environments. End of year fun trips,, such as a trip to the beach also take place. We also celebrate our diversity in year six with visits to many different local places of worship and in school visitors and events.
It is not only out of school where the children get to experience lots of fun learning opportunities. In Year 6, the opportunities for learning are endless and include:
Heart dissection in science
Orienteering in geography
Sports clubs and competitions in P.E
Learning to design their own website in computing
As with all year groups at Inglehurst, it is expected that your child attends school every day with any necessary absences being reported to the office as soon as possible. Each day in school is a new opportunity for learning and due to the quick pace of Year 6, it is essential that the children are in school every day to ensure they do not miss out on any learning or opportunities.
At the end of each term, every child with 100% attendance will have 100 TrackIt Lights credited to their account for them to spend in our rewards shop.
Year 6 Readers
Reading for pleasure is a focus in Year 6 as it is across the school and we enjoy hearing all our children read regularly and we read to them daily. We all have our favourite authors and books which we share with each other. In school, we have a well-stocked library and we encourage children to read a range of books.
Below is just a small selection of some of the wonderfully inspiring books your children may wish to read throughout Year 6:​
The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Rauf
Nightfall in New York by Katherine Woodfine.
The Silly Book of Side-Splitting Stuff by Andy Seed
Absolutely Everything by Christopher Lloyd
A Boy Called Hope by Lara Williamson
Illegal by Eoin Colfer
Becoming Jo by Sophie McKenzie
The Witches by Roald Dahl
Wonder by R.J Palacio
Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman
Once by Morris Gleitzman
Who Let the Gods Out? by Maz Evans
Please let us know if you have any special requests for new books as we are very happy to order them.
Your Well-Being
In year 6 as in the whole school we consider the well-being and the mental health of our children to be of great importance. We understand that year 6 can be a challenging year for our children emotionally and physically and we offer a wide range of support to help them adapt to change and growing up. We also offer the children transition support with our school counsellor and teachers as we understand how difficult moving to secondary school can be.